Rabbits have curious nature and understanding their behavior or body language is difficult due to versatility of behavioral patterns. You are not alone if you have ever observed your bunny circle around your feet. This is typical behavior of bunnies, which leaves their owner scratching their heads and confused if they are beginners and have spent less time with their new pets.
A rabbit circling around your feet needs your attention and affection or wants to establish dominance in a particular place. In addition, it can be an urge for mating and excitement to see their food in your hand, but sometimes, it occurs when they have an underlying medical issue.
There can be various reasons for this unique behavior of rabbits, so you need to delve into rabbit psychology to understand it. In this article, you will get better insights into their instincts and possible reasons responsible for forcing your rabbits to engage in a circling motion. Knowing it will help deal with this behavior by managing their environment and controlling the stimulating factors.
Why does my rabbit keep circling my feet?
1- Seeking Attention and Affection
2- Territorial Marking
3- Medical Issues
4- Readiness to Find a Mate
5- Excitement for food
Is it normal for rabbits to circle around my feet?
How Do You Stop A Rabbit Circling Around Your Feet?
1-Provide Enrichment & Mental Stimulation
2-Increase Social Interaction
3-Neuter or Spay Your Rabbit
4-Provide a Spacious Environment
5-Regular Veterinary Check-ups
Why does my rabbit keep circling my feet?
Rabbits have many different species with unique appearance and behavior, so reasons for circling behavior could differ among them.
Exploring their behaviors and instincts is fascinating, but you need experts’ help or spend much more time with your pets to know them. By being aware of the reasons and taking appropriate measures, you can ensure your rabbit’s well-being and happiness.
So, let’s take a closer look at a few possible reasons to understand better your rabbit’s behavior that can also help stop them.
1- Seeking Attention and Affection
Rabbits commonly circle around their owner’s feet to seek attention and affection. They are social animals that need companions and interact with other organisms in their habitat.
I came to know about it when my bunny got relaxed and happy after circling my feet for a few minutes when I picked it up in my hand.
In addition, it loves cuddling and usually moves around me when it needs to be hand-held or wants to play with me.
It is their unique way of communicating and saying, “Hey friend, pay attention to me!” So, they are essentially trying to get your attention and engage with you when you see them doing so.
2- Territorial Marking
Territorial marking is another possible reason behind a rabbit’s circling behavior. They have scent glands located on their chins and paws used to mark their territory.
When a rabbit engages in this behavior, it is probably trying to mark you as their friend. It is more common in unneutered bunnies with a stronger instinct to mark their territory.
This behavior helps them establish dominance in a particular place so they can live there without any threat. It usually happens when they move around other fellow rabbits to kick them off from territories.
3- Medical Issues
Sometimes, this behavior indicates an underlying medical issue, like ear infections, head tilting, or other neurological problems.
Severe distress and pain can make them exhibit abnormal circling behavior when they are suffering from an injury or some internal stomach problem.
If you notice that this rabbit’s circling motion is accompanied by a few other symptoms, such as loss of balance or disorientation, it is essential to consult an expert veterinarian for a thorough examination of your pet.
4- Readiness to Find a Mate
They are supposed to express a strong desire to mate by engaging in a mating dance that can be a circling movement. This behavior commonly indicates a rabbit’s readiness to find a mate.
It relates to an instinctual urge to engage in reproductive activities after finding a compatible mate. This mating dance highlights their natural inclination towards companionship and reproduction.
5- Excitement for food
They move in a circular motion around your feet when they see you coming with the food. So, it shows their excitement to approach the food source after detecting its scent.
Sometimes, they expect to get food from you if you are a regular feeding person and begin to move round and round your feet even if you do not have the food for them.
Many pet owners say that their bunnies usually engage in a circling motion when they see their owners coming closer while holding a bowl of food, and some of them even stand up.
Is it normal for rabbits to circle around my feet?
It is common for rabbits to circles your feet, especially if they are comfortable and feel safe around you. This behavior often relates to their instincts when they try to establish territory or investigate their surroundings.
However, it is good to ensure that they have enough space to move freely and no hazards should be present that could cause harm during playful activities.
A few factors should be considered to determine whether your rabbit’s circling behavior is normal or it is something that needs your attention, like the frequency, duration, or behavioral patterns.
It is usually brief and occasional when normal, but it is a sign of an underlying issue if your bunny circles around your feet for longer periods or frequently throughout the day.
Monitor your rabbit’s overall behavior, as it could indicate some serious problem if it feels lethargic, loses appetite, or lacks interest in its surroundings.
Furthermore, it is good to consult an expert veterinarian if it appears disoriented, has difficulty balancing, or shows signs of pain.
How Do You Stop A Rabbit Circling Around Your Feet?
You can stop a rabbit from circling the feet and change this behavior by interacting or making a bond with them to ensure that they are safe and a few other ways.
1-Provide Enrichment & Mental Stimulation
They are intelligent animals, and mental stimulation keeps them happy and engaged. This way, their attention gets diverted towards other fun activities instead of exhaustive ones.
I placed a small tunnel and a few toys in my bunny cage that helped keep it active as they love to play and hide behind the hiding objects.
Providing hiding spots, puzzles, tunnels, and toys keeps your rabbit entertained and active. It helps prevent boredom and reduce the likelihood of circling behavior.
2-Increase Social Interaction
They crave for companionship due to their social nature, so spend quality time with your pet and engage in playful and interactive activities.
It helps fulfill their desires to interact with humans or with other organisms socially and reduces the frequency of circling behavior.
3-Neuter or Spay Your Rabbit
If your rabbit is not already neutered or spayed, consider getting the procedure done. Neutering or spaying helps reduce hormonal behaviors, including territorial marking, when they try to mark their dominance by spraying urine. It can significantly decrease the frequency of circling behavior.
4-Provide a Spacious Environment
Ensure that your rabbit has enough space to move and explore. It should be several times larger than their bodies to provide a space for moving around.
A large enclosure or dedicated play area allows them to engage in different natural behaviors and reduces the need for excessive circling. Make sure your rabbit’s habitat or living environment is safe and stimulating.
5-Regular Veterinary Check-ups
It is essential to keep a check on your rabbit’s health, so schedule regular check-ups with an expert vet. Health examinations can help detect any underlying medical issues on time and help reduce the risk of abnormal circling behavior.
There are a few instances in which you should seek veterinary assistance like:
● Persistent or excessive circling behavior
● Loss of balance or disorientation
● Head tilt or difficulty in moving
● Loss of appetite or noticeable changes in eating frequency
● Lethargy or unusual behavior
A veterinarian thoroughly examines your pet bunny, diagnoses underlying issues, and provides an appropriate treatment.
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