Continental giant rabbits are descendants of Flemish giant rabbits but are different in size and appearance. They are smaller and lighter than Flemish giant bunnies. However, Continental giant rabbits are more energetic and playful, while Flemish giants are relaxed, calm, and gentle. Their body looks slender when compared to Flemish giants with huge, muscular, and bulky bodies.

Continental giant rabbits are large bunnies with heavy and slightly arched bodies. They have long, erect, and V-shaped ears. Their body weight is about 17 to 21 pounds. The fully stretched body of continental giants is about 3 to 3.5 feet long and 2 to 2.5 feet tall. They were crossed by different Belgian and German varieties to produce meat and have thick fur production, but got popularity as pets and show rabbits. Their average pregnancy period is about 29 to 31 days. The litter size is 10 to 12 kits. They can live for only 5 to 6.5 years in captivity.

Continental giant rabbits, or German giants, are expensive rabbits available for $350 to $500. They are also popular with the name of house buns due to their size comparable to the dogs. The world’s longest continental giant rabbit is recorded to be above 4 feet. It is 5 times bigger in size than a standard cottontail rabbit.

Characteristics of Continental Giant Rabbits

CharacteristicsContinental Giant Rabbits
Body sizeLarge
FoodHay, pellets, branches of willow tree, fruits, vegetables and leafy greens
Cost$350 to $500
Body weight17 pounds to 21 pounds
Body length3 to 3.5 feet
Litter size10 to 12 kits per litter
Gestation period
29 to 33 days
Common habitatIndoor or outdoor cages
UseMeat production and furs, rabbit show, and pet
TemperamentEnergetic, friendly, good natured
Life expectancy5 to 6.5 years

Where are continental rabbits from?

Continental giant rabbits are descendents of Flemish giant rabbits and originated in 16th century. They belong to a group of the oldest and largest rabbits. They have bred by crossing different breeds, so the German rabbits and Belgium rabbits are also included in the lineage.

This breed was imported to the US from the UK or Europe for further improvement in its characteristics. Their size got bigger after a cross with giant varieties, which was the ultimate goal of developing this breed. The breeders aimed at producing giant breeds for meat production.

These continental giant rabbits were part of a collective group of many giant rabbit breeds, where each breed was named for their place of origin. The giant rabbits bred in Belgium were called Belgian rabbits. They were brought to Germany and crossed with other breeds of rabbits, and the resulting breed was named continental giant rabbits.

What does a Continental giant rabbit look like?

Continental giant rabbits are large rabbits with longer and broader bodies. They have muscular and slightly arched bodies with a heavy body mass. They have a broader head as an identification mark and possess a stronger jawline.

In addition, their ears are long, erect, and wide, which are considered the crown of continental giant rabbits. They have stunning hazel eyes that are deep and wide. Moreover, you will also find Continental giant rabbits with black eye color.

Moreover, their powerful legs support heavy bodies as their bones are denser and stronger. The dense furs of this breed are shiny and soft. Their furs are neither short nor long but are of good quality. Their bodies appear white, grey, brown, and silver due to their fur color.

How big and heavy are continental giant rabbits?

Continental giant rabbits, being the large rabbit breeds, are almost equal in size to a French bulldog. Their average body weight is about 17 pounds (7.71 kg) to 21 pounds (9.53kg).

However, their bodies tend to gain weight and appear bulky, but gaining a few extra pounds is pretty normal for this breed. Their bodies can extend up to 3 to 3.5 feet (36 to 42 inches) when fully stretched.

The upright body of continental giant rabbits is 2 feet (24 inches) to 2.5 feet (30 inches) taller, from the feet to the head of the body. The hutch size for a larger breed should also be wide enough to accommodate their bigger bodies. Choose a hutch of almost 6×6 feet in size to fit a Continental giant rabbit in it.

Are continental rabbits good pets?

Continental giant rabbits are good pets and companions because they are very loving and good-natured rabbits that can live with family and children. It is essential to keep an eye on them when your children are interacting or playing with them.

There is a risk of getting bitten by these giant bunnies when they feel aggressive or frightened. In addition, they were produced for meat and glossy pelts. But now, they are also bred to be kept as pets due to their friendly nature.

You can bring them to a house if you can provide a large cage and an open place for running, walking, hopping, and playing. This breed has a playful nature and likes to engage in games with their companions and owners.

Furthermore, you have to give more attention and care to larger breeds as they face potential problems and need more food to meet their body demands.

How long can Continental Giant rabbits live?

The giant breeds of rabbits have a shorter lifespan than that of small and medium breeds. The life span of a continental giant rabbit is about 5 to 6.5 years. Their life span can be exceeded if you provide them with ideal living conditions and fulfill their dietary needs.

There are some health issues in giant rabbits as well, which restricts them from living a longer life. A common health issue found in continental giant rabbits is sore hocks or pododermatitis. This issue occurs due to heavy bodies, putting strain on their feet.

Their bulky bodies are responsible for swollen and sore feet that are not adequately padded. They are also susceptible to arthritis due to excessive pressure on their joint as well. It is recommended to consult a vet when you observe such problems in their feet.

What do continental giant rabbits eat?

The diet and nutritional requirements of continental giant rabbits are somehow different from the other breeds due to their bigger bodies and active lifestyle. Feed fibrous vegetables and an unlimited amount of hay to these giant bunnies to maintain good health.

You can also add good quality pellets to their daily diet as they provide them nutrients in compact form. They can also feed on the sticks of willow trees and branches of some edible trees. Additionally, offer small amounts of ripened fruits to their food bowl as an occasional treat.

Provide them with leafy greens and rabbit’s favorite carrots to make them happy and delighted. Although they can consume a variety of foodstuffs, food types commonly consumed by humans, like cooked or processed food, are not suitable for them.

It is better to avoid offering chips, fried foods, and baked items to these giant bunnies because it can upset their stomach due to a lack of adaptation for digesting such processed food items.

What is the average gestation period of continental giant rabbits?

Continental giant rabbits get prepared for breeding at the age of 7 to 9 months when their bodies get developed properly. They give birth to young ones after a gestation period of 29 to 31 days.

On average, the female does take around 15 to 20 minutes to give birth to kits or in kindling. They produce 10 to 12 kits in one litter and engage in reproduction activities many times a year. The newly produced kits stay in a safe place and spacious environment for a week.

Furthermore, the kits of Continental giant rabbits are heavier than other breeds, and their average body weight lies within a range of 120 to 140g. Their bodies gain more muscular weight or body mass with every passing month of their lifespan.

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